The partners
a cooperation.
Management Center Innsbruck
The MCiT has been working on smart glasses for some time. The HoloLens2 from Microsoft is now being used as part of the project.
The software is programmed according to the needs in order to then be used in the fields of action of the life support.
The MCI promotes the competitiveness of organizations and thus offers a contribution to the professionalization of business, administration, politics and culture. The focus is on strengthening the innovative power of local companies and ensuring quality-oriented teaching.
By linking academic teaching and further education, solution-oriented research and development, targeted transfer of know-how and innovative start-ups, the university positions itself as an international brand.
(MCI Management Center Innsbruck, o.J.)
MCI Management Center Innsbruck | The Entrepreneurial School
Address: Universitätsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck
Year of foundation: 1995
MCI Management Center Innsbruck. (o.J.). MCI - The Entrepreneurial School. Wofür stehen wir. Last Access 23.04.2022.
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life support
Lebenshilfe Tirol enables people with various disabilities to find their way into inclusion. The focus is on self-determination and personal responsibility. Individual independence is to be promoted using smart glasses.
With the support of technical aids, the everyday life of all those involved is to be restructured. The goal is that the everyday life of the clients is characterized by more independence.
The mission statement of Lebenshilfe Austria forms the basis of our development. Those basic principles are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. This states that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Lebenshilfe sees itself as a companion to the inclusion of social participation by people with disabilities. The exchange and expertise of those people, their relatives and employees are the main pillars. The dialogue with representatives of politics, the public, civil society and citizens are also included in the area of responsibility.
A major concern is to value the differences and abilities of each individual, regardless of the need for support. The organization wants to guarantee participation, self-determination and options for all people individually. The intention is to achieve an inclusive society in Austria based on the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. The primary goal is to support people with disabilities and promote self-determination. Offers and further training for honorary, voluntary and full-time employees are also created. Lebenshilfe Austria thus embodies service providers and interest groups. They believe in an inclusive society in which all people live together with respect in their diversity and differences.
(Lebenshilfe Tirol, 2021)
Lebenshilfe Tirol (life support Tyrol)
Address: Ing.-Etzel-Strasse 11, 6020 Innsbruck
Year of foundation: 1963
Lebenshilfe Tirol. (2021). Mission – Lebenshilfe.
Last Access 23.04.2022.
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„Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.“